This Week's Books
A NEW contemporary, The London Weekly, publishes its third number to-day. Last week's issue contained a sound and appreciative notice of • Mr. Vachell Lindsay's poems (we reviewed his Collected Poems on April 24th and his new The Candle in the Cabin we shall notice next week) which warmed our heart as admirers of Mr. Lindsay. This new weekly is edited by Dr. Haden Cuest ; it is Socialist in tone, but anti-extremist. Mr. Philip Snowden writes a leading article in which he says he does not see " how the makeshift of the recent Imperial Conference can be permanent or workable." However, he considers there are illimitable possibilities of increasing Empire trade. But to raise the purchasing power of our vast sub-tropical populations, as he suggests, is easier said than done. They don't want " things " in the East as badly as we do in the West.