Tyrol Or The Tyrol [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—Twenty years ago I read in the Spectator " that it was as incorrect to speak of the Tyrol' as, say, `.the Scotland.' " Yet in to-day's issue (p. 35) I fmd the former......
Covent Garden .
• - [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR :] Sin,—Apropos of your admirable article on a new Covent Garden, in your issue of December 11th, and your further remarks a week later, I......
A Library Of Economics For Wage- Earners [to The Editor
of the SPECTATOR.] SI11,--The strength of the Socialist appeal lies mainly in the widespread and pathetic ignorance which prevails, particularly among workpeople, in regard to......
Good Will In Industry [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR, -- Mr. Warre Bradley's letter in your issue of January 1st, advocating a " Peace in Industry " week of conferences and discussions by all the leaders of Capital and Labour......
The Alexandra Orphanage [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
gratefully acknowledge an anonymous donation of 2s. 6d. from a Belfast reader and we wish to thank all those readers of the Spectator who generously responded to the appeal of......
Scouting To Take The Place Of The O.t.c.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Amory's letter suggests a change which is, as far as my experience (nine years of O.T.C. and five of Scouting) goes, unfortunately......
" Queen Mab '! And " The Cenci " [to
the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] think that many others besides myself will have read with astonishment the statement that the SPectator regards Queen Mab as a much greater work......