15 JANUARY 1927, Page 16
TYROL OR THE TYROL [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Twenty years ago I read in the Spectator " that it was as incorrect to speak of the Tyrol' as, say, `.the Scotland.' " Yet in to-day's issue (p. 35) I fmd the former expression Is it correct, or should it be " in Tyrol " ?—I am, Sir, &c., A. LYLE HARRISON.
7 Fortwilliam Terrace, Belfast.
[' Tyrol " is no doubt more correct, but as the years pass the incorrect form tends to become established. Indefinite opposition to common usage may become pedantic ; though as we are not sure that it is so in this case we must try to keep to " Tyrol."—En. Spectator.]