News Of The Week
A GRAVE situation was undoubtedly created by the withdrawal of the British naval force from the Concession at Hankow, but in our judgment the British Government hiiVe followed......
Not, Of Course, That We Can Forcibly Intervene To Separate
the Chinese from the Russians, but we can by such a wise policy as the Government have so far pursued prove to the Chinese that Russian supervision is not merely unnecessary but......
In One Important Respect The Chinese Could Learn A Valuable
lesson from Japan. When Japan emerged from her hermit state and desired to place herself in free contact with the outside world she had an even longer road to travel than lies......
Mr. Chen Is Always In Danger Of Impaling Himself On
dilemmas of his own creation. He finds fault with Great Britain for allowing the northern militarists to collect surtaxes. He says that Great Britain is thus " financing the......
The Circulation Of " The Spectator "
To the Directors of . 21 Ironmonger Lane. The SPECTATOR, Limited. London, E.C. 2. 13 York Street, London, W.C. 2. 21st December, 1926. Gentlemen, We have examined the Company's......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 1s York Street, Covent...
Landon, W.C. 2.--A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered. as a Newspaper. The......
The Index To Volume 137 Of The Spectator For The
half-year ending December, 1926, is now ready. A copy will , be sent poet free to readers 'enclosing ls. in stamps upon application to The Publishers, 13 York Street, Covent......