Not, of course, that we can forcibly intervene to separate
the Chinese from the Russians, but we can by such a wise policy as the Government have so far pursued prove to the Chinese that Russian supervision is not merely unnecessary but fatal to their interests. If there is now a test of British wisdom there is an equally severe test for the Cantonese. Mr. Eugene ('hen, the Cantonese Foreign Minister, will be judged by the sincerity or the reverse of his attempts to maintain pence. There is a strong suspicion that he condoned the over- running of the British Concession by a riotous mob after he had undertaken to keep order. He is a very clever propagandist; but even the cleverest propagandist has to pass an ordeal by facts. He failed to maintain control after he had promised to do so. That is clear. If he says in excuse that he could not do what he hoped to do it is necessary to remind him that he has a large army at his disposal and that he is continually praising its dis- cipline and efficiency.