The Washington Correspondent Of The Times Says That The...
Message is very like an appeal for a vote of confidence. There has been so much suspicion of the State Department owing to the rather unconvincing statements which the......
After The Retirement Of The Naval Force From The British
Concession at Hankow the Cantonese flag was run up on the principal buildings. It need not be doubted that Mr. Chen desires an immediate renewal of business. He has been urging......
At Falkirk On Tuesday Mr. Arthur Henderson Suggested That...
Prime Minister should summon a conference to discuss peace in industry. He thought that the conference might consist of representatives of the Trades Union Con- gress, the......
- The President Of The Board Of Education, Lord Euitace...
comes in for much criticism, most of which is unfair. Nobody outside the extreme wing of Labour, however, will disagree with the opportune and courageous address which he......
Last Sunday The. Triennial Elections For A Third Of The
French Senate were held. The result was that the seats held by the Left—various denominations of Socialists and Communists—were increased from 2 to .16. As tin Senate as a -......
On Monday President Coolidge, In A Special Message To...
confirmed the belief that he is committed to a forward policy in Nicaragua. He denied that he had any wish to intervene in the political affairs of Nicaragua or any other......
In One Important Respect The Chinese Could Learn A Valuable
lesson from Japan. When Japan emerged from her hermit state and desired to place herself in free contact with the outside world she had an even longer road to travel than lies......
The Daily News, The Daily Mail And Other Papers Have
published messages from Mr. Chen. The message in the Daily Mail of Wednesday promised security to foreigners and added that if there were any failure on the part of the......
Of Course It Would Be Absurd To Judge What Is
likely to happen from the Senate elections as they are conducted indirectly through comparatively small colleges. Yet it is reasonable to expect that on the whole time will be......