Readable Novels
THE continuation of. NC \ ilk Brand's Narrow Seas is Cloud- burst (John Lane, 78. 6(1.), which, -though said not to be a sequel, will not be particularly interesting to people who have not met the various personages of the drama in the first novel. The story deals principally with the yeoman family of Howe and their connexions. It is wellwritten and the tragedy at the end of the book is very forcibly and dramatically given. * * The principal characters in Love's Reit°, by Mrs. Fred Reynolds (John Lane, 7s. 6d.) are trees, apparently endowed by the heroine. Aspen Glade, with human qualities. It is an unusual book. * - * * Mr. Edmund Snell gives another of his -exciting pictures of rubber plantations in the Far East in The Purple Shadow (Fisher Unwin. 7s. Gd.). The book is lively reading. and the planter, the magistrate, and the wicked doOtor are all very clearly drawn and cleverly contrasted.