15 MAY 1909, Page 1


WE have dealt with the more general aspects of the Paris postal strike elsewhere, and will only say here that the news received on Friday shows that the movement is proving a complete failure. That the agitation would have had very serious results had not the Government handled it with promptness and vigour cannot be doubted; but, fortu- nately, it was so handled. The truth is that in France the Government forces are so strong that if those who are at the head of the Government know their minds, and have a reason- able amount of courage and determination, they are sure to win, and, what is more, to receive the support of the vast majority of the French people, who now, as ever, desire before all things that order shall be preserved. M. Clemonceau is for this reason a very popular Premier. There are thousands of Frenchmen who from one cause or another detest his opinions and dislike him personally, but there are very few who do not feel a sense of satisfaction that he is at the head of affairs. They know that he will not let the tiller slip out of his hands from weakness or folly.