Land Values And Old-age Pensions.
[To TUN EDITOR Or T1111 "8rICCTATOlt."] SIR,-1u the article on "Land Values" in the Spectator of the 8th inst. an imaginary case is cited which so nearly resembles a real one I......
Schoolmasters And Inhabited House Duty.
[To l'tio Borron. Or TIM " SrecraTort. " ] SIR,—In your article of last week, " Principles of Taxation," occur the words, " the simplest example is the Inhabited House Duty"......
National Insurance And Old-age Pensions.
[TO rue EDITOR OT Tan "SPROTATOR. " 1 SIR, -- I have during the past three years endeavoured to familiarise the public with the scheme for old-age pensions originated by my......
Taxation Of "ungotten Minerals."--a Suggestion.
[To rue EDITOR Or TUN " SPICTATOR.1 new source of revenue having been discovered in " ungotten minerals," might we not with advantage extend the principle to other similar......
The Quakers And Their Principles.
[To Tun EDITOR Or run " SPECITATOz."] Stn,—In your issue of May 8th Mr. Sturge takes exception to my statement that the behaviour of the Quakers in the West Indies during the......