,the Passing Of The Tariff. By Raymond L. Bridgman. (t.
Fisher Unwin. 3s. Gd. net.)—This is a powerful exposition of the working of Protection in the United States. Any one who may be tempted on this side of the Atlantic by Tariff......
Modern Golf. By P. A. Valle. (a. And C. Black.
7e. 6d. net.) —Mr. Vaile has had the help of George Duncan, attached to the Hanger Hill Golf Club, a young professional of the highest promise, in furnishing illustrations. It......
The Tower Of London. By Charles G. Harper. (chapman And
Hall. 7s. ad. net.)—Mr. Harper, who has done as much as any man of. books to give us a knowledge of many things that it is a pleasure to sec and to road about—has he not written......
London's Lure : An Anthology In Prose And Verse. By
Helen and Lewis (G: Bell and Sons. 3s. Gd. net.)—Here we have a collection of what a number of people, famous more or less, have written about London ; and a very fine......
We Wish To Give A Special Welcomes To The Territorial
Year-Book (Hodder and Stoughton, le.) It is described as "A. Handbook for the Territorial Soldier and the Citizen, containing an Account of the Origin, Organieation, and......
The City Of London Directory. (w. And L. Collingridge. 12s.
6d.)-- This, the "thirty-ninth annual edition," really needs no recom- mendation. For completeness and attention to detail—we observe that the floor on which the office or......
Brighton. By Lewis Melville. (chapman And Hall. 10s. Gd....
"history" of Brighton—Mr. Melville writes of its "history, follies, and fashions "—practically begins with the sixteenth century, when a map was made of it ; its "follies and......