15 MAY 1909, page 15
The Income-tax Paid By The Agricultural Landlord.
[To THU EDITOR or Tar "SPECTAT011.1 Sin, —I should like to point out how unfairly the Income-tax is assessed on agricultural landlords, and that this unfair assessment is a......
The Budget And The Income-tax, 1'r0 28z Editor Or Tm/
"SPICOTAT08.1 San,—The moat serious result of the falling off in the national revenue last year, and of the heavy increase of taxation proposed in this year's Budget, is the......
Taxation Of Land Values.
L'ro THE EDITOR Or TAS "SPIICTATOR."1 Sln,—In connexion with the Budget proposals, it may be of interest to quote from a Memorandum prepared for the Royal Commission on Local......