A Curious Blunder.
[To Tins EDITOR OP TRS " BPROTATOlt."] Sin,—When your correspondent " Senex " (Spectator, May 8th) draws. attention to the quaint blunder of the Quarterly Reviewer who suggested......
TRANSFORMATION. (FROM THE PERSIAN OP JALALHDDIN RUMI.) FOR as a stone, so Eastern legends run, Wooed by unwearied patience of the sun Piercing its dense opacity, has grown From......
B 0 0 K S.
ESSAYS OF POETS . AND POETRY.* Tale is a delightful book, and will, we predict, give an immense deal of pleasure. wherever sound learning, and true literature are loved and......
A Correction.
[To Tan EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOtt."] it not strange that in your quotation in your last issue of Mrs. Steel's letter from the Times you follow the Times in printing "Rurana"......
[to The Editor Of The " Spec'tatoe." ]
Sin,—With reference to Mr. Crook's letter in your issue of the-8th inst., I think the magpie is a newcomer, as I have not seen him until the last three weeks. He is fairly tame,......
The Reform Of The Poor Law.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOTO] Sin,—Mrs. Sidney Webb, the well-known Socialist, has issued a circular letter to the Press stating " that it had been decided to form a......
The Magpie In 1,010014.
ITO THE EDITOR OF TIME “srRoverott.") Sin,—Probably the magpie seen by your correspondent Mr. W. M. Crook (Spectator, May 8th) is one of a pair that have nested this spring on......
MR. WILSON' STEER'S PICTURES AT THE GOUPIL GALLERY. AT least. Mr. Steer is exhilarating. How often do we corns away from a "one-man show" nowadays with a feeling of fatigue I......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held* to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......