15 MAY 1909, Page 2

The Shah of Persia has issued two proclamations,—one re- establishing

the Constitution, and the other granting apolitical amnesty. The special correspondent of the Times states in Monday's paper that Nasir-nl-Mulk, who was Premier in the days of the Mejliss, has been summoned from Europe. A Liberal Cabinet is being' formed. We hope we may take this as meaning that the Shah intends honestly to accept the programme of the Powers. A settlement of the present disorder will come none too soon. Colonel Liakhoff, according to the correspondent, thinks that Teheran is exposed to surprise from any detachment of revolutionaries which cares to come and convulse the town. The Royalist troops could not be relied upon not to join the raiders, and the small number of Cossacks would be compelled to concentrate in the European quarter, leaving the rest of the town to the mercy of the mutineers. The correspondent adds in Thursday's paper that a large body of men at Kazvin, and the Bakhtieri at Ispahan, have actually announced their intention of marching on Teheran.