We are glad to be able to record that a
leading article in the Novoe Vronya, which the Times correspondent at St. Petersburg states " reflects authoritative views," declares that the Czar's recent Rescript to M. Stolypin is to be taken as a warning to reactionaries to abandon the dream of reviving the did regime in Russia. On the other hand, we are told that the Busshoe Zmamya continues to interpret the Czar's refusal to assent to the Navy Bill as a triumph for autocracy. The fact that M. Stolypin still holds office would seem, however, to point to the fact that the recent reactionary intrigues directed towards his removal have not been successful. If they have finally failed, it is matter of congratulation for Russia, and also for the true interests of the dynasty. No wellwisher of Russia and the Czar can possibly desire the defeat of M; Stolypin, for that must almost certainly mean a new appeal to revolutionary methods and the driving of many moderate men into the camp of the extremists.