The Committee of the National Art Collections Fund have put
forward a strongly worded appeal for subscriptions to keep Holbein's "Duchess of Milan" in this country. The option holds good till the end of May, and although the sum required is large and the moment unfavourable, Lord Balcarres and his co-signatories express the hope that men of wealth, and others aceording to their means, will come forward to save
the country from the great loss that is threatened. We sincerely hope that this may be so ; at the same, time, we take the opportunity of deploring the unfounded and unjust reflections that have been made in the Press on the Duke of Norfolk, attributing the sale of the picture to mere greed, and seeking to make party capital out of the episode. As an appropriate commentary on these vulgar calumnies, the announcement was made on Tuesday that the Duke had presented Norfolk Park to Sheffield,—a gift estimated at £60,000.