The Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire "
how far and in what manner the general supply, dis- tribution, and price of meat in the United Kingdom are con- trolled or affected by any combination of firms or companies " was issued on Wednesday. The Committee state that, owing to the number of persons interested, the diversity of their interests, and other circumstances connected with the home meat and the frozen meat trades, any combination would be extremely difficult, and they are satisfied that no such combination exists or is likely to exist. Subject to certain considerations, the same may be said of the Argentine trade. With regard to the allegations as to the United States Beef Trust, the Committee say that in the United States combination does exist, and has existed for two decades, in fact if not in form. The combina- tion has in its hands over fifty per cent. of the whole beef trade of the United States. The Committee are of opinion, however, that the American combination is not at present sufficiently powerful to be a serious danger to the beef trade as a whole. If it should eventually obtain control of the Argentine and other trades, the situation in the British market " might well become serious." But we gather that the Com• mittee have very little fear of such an issue. Personally, we cannot believe in the possibility of " cornering " the whole world's cattle-supply—except with the aid of a tariff. It is only natural that there should be a Beef Trust in America, but little danger of one here.