TIIE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Would you perhaps draw the attention of your readers to the need there is for a convalescent home entirely for infants,—
infants of the very poor, who on leaving hospital after a serious illness in their frequently one-roomed homes have no prospect of nursing, fresh air, and good food to recover strength ? For
children suffering from rickets, wasting, infantile paralysis, care and nursing during the first years of life mean generally that they are prevented from drifting into the workhouse, and at best a comfortable cripples' home. Mothers in well-to-do classes can give all the needful nursing and skilled treatment, but the babies of the very poor mothers who must work for mere food cannot possibly receive the care which would prevent the diseases they grow up with.
It is over a year now since a London doctor told me there was no convalescent home in England exclusively for infants, or where the latter could be sent, unless accompanied by their mothers; and having had some experience with cases of paralysis and rickets, we few nursing 'sisters began to take in some invalid babies from Horton, and since then, a year last January, we have, cared for thirty. Twenty-one are here now, but the house is most un- suitable, in a street and with only a yard for the out-of-door treatment.
I have seen a very good locality at Hunstanton, an ideal place. for such cases as ours; but, alas ! we are greatly in want of fitnds. for the move and the initial expenses for open-air shelters. Dr. Stork, the Medical Officer of Health in Bury, who is most kind in looking after our children, has promised to receive any donations sent for the home, as would also Dr. Cornish, of Kew, who saw our beginnings with three or four from Hoxton, both of whom will be perfectly willing to give further information with regard to our