Two Volumes Of A New Series Of Biographies, "leading...
Edited by W. P. Trent (G. Bell and Sons, 7s. 61. net per vol.), are before us. These are Leadinj American Essayists, by William Morton Payne, LL.D., and Lsacliny Amt.rican......
By Ways They Know Not. By Mrs. Comyns Carr. (chapman
and Hall. 63.)—This is a pleasant little story of modern life, though the coincidences in it are .rather difficult to credit. The central figure, that of Sybil Kent, who cannot......
REST HARROW.* IT will be remembered by those who have followed the fortunes of the incomparable Sanchia Josephs, Percival in an earlier phase of her career that she was so......
Some Books Of Tiie Week.
"[Under this heading tee notice inch Books of the wee: as hay. not been reserved for review . in other forms.] The Sermons, Epistles, and Apocalypses of Israel's Prophets. By......
The Rise Of The Papacy. By W. Ernest Beet, M.a.
(Charles H. Kelly. Ss. 6d.)—Mr. Beet carries on the story of a previous volume. In that he dealt with the Roman See, first under the pagan and then under the early Christian......
, Readable Novels.—tales Of The Tenements. By Eden...
Murray. 6s.)—We must say that the aspect of Dart- moor revealed in this volume does not stir our hearts. These " Tales" are somewhat squalid, with an occasional relief of a grim......
Aleanty Abercrato. By Bernard Capes. (methuen And Co....
has done in this book what, for all his literary ability, he has not always succeeded in doing,—given his readers a very well constructed and interesting story. After......