Literary Assassination.
[TO-THE EDITOR OF TIER "SPECTAT011."] Suz,—The appropriation in the United States of literary work not specially protected by copyright is inevitable, and not perhaps altogether......
Prayer-book Revision.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—In last week's Spectator your reviewer performs a real public service in calling especial attention to Canon Beeching's pamphlets. They......
Church Of England Ordinations.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " Sescm - roa. - ] Sin,—A further stage has now been reached and another annual survey can be made. The ordinations on October 2nd at St. Paul's Cathedral......
-a Register Of Trained Men For The
EMPIRE. rTO TER EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sta,—Now that the registration of trained men, which in its beginnings owed so much to your influence and encourage- ment, has......
Apposite Mottoes.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut.,—The letter entitled "Virgil on the Airmen" in your issue of October 1st brings to my mind a sors Horatiana on the same subject :— "......
The Finance Act, 1910.
[To THE EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTAT0R:] SIR,—The hasty legislation of revolution often in result perpetuates in another guise the exceptional abuses the exist- ence of which has......