Two Volumes Of A New Series Of Biographies, "leading...
Edited by W. P. Trent (G. Bell and Sons, 7s. 61. net per vol.), are before us. These are Leadinj American Essayists, by William Morton Payne, LL.D., and Lsacliny Amt.rican......
Co-operative Congress, Plymouth, 1910. (co-operative...
of the forty-second Congress, is, as might be expected, full of interesting matter. It is illustrated also with photographs of various objects and portraits of delegates. We......
In The Series Of "manuals Of Elementary Science"...
6d.) we have The Spectroscope and its Work, by H. F. Newell, M.A. Professor Newell warns his readers not to expect too much. If his book moves them to study the phenomena for......
Porcelain And How To Collect It. By Edward Dillon. (methuen
and Co. es.)—In this volume we have what we may call a practical application to the purposes of the collector of such portions of the information contained in the author's......
Stories And Story-telling. By Professor E. P. St. John....
2s. net.)—The words "In Moral and Religious Education" are added on the title-page, and they in a way differentiate the book. The author occupies the Chair of "Religious......
The Historians Of The English Reformation. By The Rev. John
Stockton Littell. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. 10s. net.)—Mr. Littell seeks to provide the teacher of Church history with a valuation of the sources to which he must have recourse. He......
The Conquest Of New Spain. Vol. Iii. (the Haldnyt Society.)
--This third volume contains various maps and plans which illus- trate Bernal del Castillo's story. There are plans of the city of Mexico (1562), and of the city and lake......