15 OCTOBER 1910, page 14

What Is The Church Of England ?

[To TER EDITOR Or THP "SPZCIATOE.") SIli,—It is much to be wished that the Archbishop of York should answer your challenge or confess that it is unanswerable. Canon Beeching has......

Letters To The Editor.

SECTARIAN ANGLICANISM. [To THE EDITOR 01 TEl " SPECTATOZ:9 Biz—The Church Congress has gone by, and its numerous papers and discussions are being duly embalmed in the official......

Slivery In The Portuguese Colonies.

[TO TIM EDITOR OP MP "SPICTAP011.1 SIR,—The opinion expressed in last week's Spectator that some steps should be taken to secure assurances from the new Portuguese Government......

Fro Prp Editor Op Thy "spectat0r."1 Sm, — Anent This...

Maitland (who in his "Roman Canon Law in the Church of England," cap. II., p.86, numbers himself among those "whose object is not to silence the papist, but to understand a......