Last week's Economist contains an accaunt of a remarkable demonstration
which took place in Vienna on October 2nd to protest against the high prices of food. According to the police estimate, three hundred thousand men and women marched in processions to the Town Hall, where speeches were delivered in the open air. "In all the enormous crowd, though the marching lasted five hours and a half, there was not one disorderly person, and the police had not one single cause for interference. But, then, the police sympathised just as much with the demonstration as did the persons who watched the procession from the side walks." A large number of banners with suitable devices were carried by the demon- strators. "On one sheet was painted a life-sized Argentinian ox, who could not get across the black and yellow Customs barrier ; on others threats were expressed : Need breaks iron!' 'We will have cheap meat, if we have to fight for it !'" Protection is evidently beginning to be found out on the Continent; the taxes on food grow more and more unpopular.