Next Mr. Osborne offered to put all his papers at
the disposal of a London newspaper which had attacked him. In this case, too, his letter was ignored. He has made other similar offers, but all have been refused. Mr. Osborne goes on to say that his action was taken, bona fide, through the local branch of his Union, and that his accounts have been audited by Mr. W. Tyler, J.P., of Walthamstow, who had before him every detail "to the last penny stamp." The total amount collected for the trial was £655 13s. 11d., and 75 per cent. of this was subscribed by Labour men, and the remainder in small sums of "one or two pounds at a time." Of course the source of the funds does not affect the principle at stake. But we trust that Sir John Gorst, Mr. Ohiozza Money, and others will not repeat their innuendoes without disproving Mr. Osborne's simple and convincing statement.