General Knowledge Questions
THE prize of one guinea for the best thirteen General Knowledge questions is awarded this week to Dr. Dewar for the paper which follows. Many of our readers have written asking for fuller particulars of this competition : here are some editorial observations thereon. The kind of paper we like is that published this week. Questions and answers should be on separate sheets. The staff is grateful for clear writing or, better still, typescript. Very bad writing is not even considered. Copies of entries should be kept as we cannot take any responsibility for loss. Entries cannot be acknowledged or returned unless a stamped addressed envelope accompanies them.
Who said the following and on what occasions?
1. Veni, vidi, vici.
.2. I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile.
3. I dare do all that may become a man ; who dares do more is none.
4. E pur si muove.
5. It cam' wi' a lass, an' it'll pass wi' a lass. 0. Had Zimri peace who slew his master ?
7. I have been a most unconscionable time dying ; but I hop° you will excuse it.
8. Le roi to touche, le Dieu to gueris.
9. Nothing except a battle lost can be half so me/Jun..1101y as a battle won.
10. Eureka, eureka
11. To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of
preserving peace. 12. We will sound our bells.
13. There, but for the Grace of God, goes X---- Y.-- -;
Answers will be found on page 622.