From Grim to Gay 7s. 6d.) Jack A'Manory. By G. B. Stem. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.) Tax characters in these five novels belong to strangely different terraces in the world of......
Lori) Of Himself. By Percy Marks. (faber And Gwyer. 7s.
6d.)—" Petting parties," hard drinking, • and the reactions which follow sudden accessions to fortune are dealt with in this novel of modern' NOW- York. English readers who......
Transplanted. By Brand Whitlock. (d. Appleton And Co....
a study of an international marriage, an American heiress wedding the eldest son of an ancient and of course impoverished family, still of consequence in ranee. The usual......
Her Closed Hands. By Putnam Weale. (mac- Millan. 7s. 6d.)--"
Wang the Ninth ", figures once more in this admirable novel of life in Pekin, and the announcement of a forthcoming third of the series leads the reader to hope for one more......
Jane Carroll. By E. Temple Thurston. (putnam. 7s. 6d.)—" You
make history," was her husband's shrewd conception of Jane Carroll—a very beautiful and eminent London hostess. It was at a dinner party in her house in St. James's Square that......
Ladies And Gentlemen. By Irvin S. Cobb. (hodder And...
7s. 6d.)—A broad American humour, which delights to satirize, not altogether unkindly, the pretensions and the foibles of the half-educated, is the main characteristic of Mr.......
A Fairy Leapt Upon My Knee. By Bea Howe. (chatto
and Windus. 6s.)—This is a pretty piece of enchant- inent—and much more. It is a tale of two shy and delicate lovers and a very odd fairy, taken by William, who was an......