15 OCTOBER 1927, page 25
From Grim to Gay 7s. 6d.) Jack A'Manory. By G. B. Stem. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.) Tax characters in these five novels belong to strangely different terraces in the world of......
My Ain Folk
Brother Scots. By Donald Carswell. (Constable. 12s.) THIS is unquestionably the most brilliant series of bit). graphical essays that has appeared since Mr. Lytton Strachey's......
The Afghan And Sikh Wars
A History of the British Army. By the Hon. J. W. Fortescue. Vol. XII. 1839-1852. With a Volume of Maps and Plans. (Macmillan. 40s.) THAT able and resolute historian of the......