Pre-war Figures Compared.
In making a comparison between the year immediately preceding 1914 and , the position td-day, the actual years of the War must, of course, be passed over, though it is......
Labour Outlays.
Health, labour, and insurance outlays have risen from £19,000,000 to £36,000,000, though so far_ as labour is concerned it may be doubted whether the outlays haYe done much to......
The Road To Prosperity.
It is not that those who urge the imperative necessity for economy in the national expenditure are unmindful (Continued on page 635.) (Continued from page 624.) of the welfare......
Finance Public And Private
The Growth in Expendifure—Ii IN considering the growth in the national expenditure there are two standpoints from which the position might be examined. Comparison might be made......
Witii What Results ?
With figures such as these, the public may well refuse to be satisfied with vague assurances from the Chancellor of the Exchequer that outlays for social services cannot be......
Coming Events— ,
We are now approaching the period when the estimates of expenditure for the next year's Budget are in course of preparation, while- it may be well to remember also that the......
Nature Of The Rise.
It is, however, when we come to note the nature of the advance compared with the War period that the figures become even more striking and suggestive. In view of the colossal......
Recent Expansion.
Not the least striking aspect of the present total of the national expenditure, however, is the manner in which it has expanded even within recent years. In the financial year......
Fruits Of Past Policy.
And, if only these great expenditures for Labour Ministries, doles, and social services generally were productive of greater effort and output on the part of the community, of......