Nowadays Cars Do Much Less Damage Than Formerly To Roads,
for the modern tendency is all for reduction of weight both in the chassis and in coachwork. Also the solid tyre on the commercial vehicle is being replaced by giant pneumatics.......
What A 1928 Buyer Expects In A Car.
At Olympia one is apt to be dazed by the numbers of cars shown, and it simplifies matters considerably if the buyer has a ready list of the attributes he wishes. If the list is......
Whether You Clean The Car Yourself Or Not, A Multitude
of bright parts should be avoided, and what there are should be untarnishable. So much for the body. Many people now take the efficiency and excellence of the modern chassis for......
It Is True That There Are Reductions In The Cost
of some ears, . . but these reductions are not large, nor are theme to be found in the majority of makes-. On the other hand, vehicles remaining at the same prices are better......
At Approximately. £170 The Price-range Of The Saloons -...
up to £3,000. The weather that has pre- vailed for so long now will have caused many who were wavering to turn unhesitatingly to the saloon, which will not only keep them dry......
The Question Is Often Asked : " How Much Will
I have to pay for a really sound closed family car which has a good performance and is economical to maintain ? " My answer is £500, because there is a large selection of roomy......
Again, Many More Owners Than Ever Before Now Dispense With
the services of a chauffeur, partly because of economy, but also because, owing to fabric-covered bodies and cellulose paint, untarnishable metal fittings, easy lubrication and......
To Meet This Increased Demand, And Because Of It, Makers
can and do produce with a reasonable margin of profit to themselves excellent cars and bodies to meet all requirements at what seem to me to be rock bottom prices, taking the......