Incidentally, Mr. Baldwin put three questions to Lord - Rothermere, who
through hiS newspapers has been persistently attacking the Government : (1) Is Lord Rothermere a supporter of the Unionist Party, with me as leader ? (2) Is Lord Rothermere a supporter of the Unionist Party with someone else as leader ? (3) Is Lord Rothermere a supporter of Mr. Lloyd George ? A statesman who puts direct questions to a news- paper steps on to poor tactical ground. He makes for his critics the openings of which they may have been sorely in need—as we think Lord Rothermere .was. It was all too easy for Lord Rothermere to answer :proudly in the Daily Nail that his papers are all " inde- pendent," and will remain so, and that he is interested, .not in what party is in power, but only in the question whether the country is being well or -badly governed,