Answers to General Knowledge Questions
1. Julius Caesar, in his dispatch after routing Pharnaces Ponticus. —2. Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) on his death-bed in Salerno. —3. Macbeth, when urged by Lady Macbeth to murder Duncan, the king.-4. Galileo, whispering, as he arose from his knees after recanting.-5. James V. of Scotland, hearing, towards the hour of his death, that his queen had borne him a daughter. 6. Jezebel, taunting the victorious regicide, Jehu.-7. Charles II., on his death-bed.--8. The Kings of France, when " touching " for the king's evil.--9. Wellington, in a dispatch of 1815. 10. Archimedes, running scantily clad through the streets of Syracuse when he had solved the problem of the specific gravity of Hiero's crown.-11. George Washington. Speech, January 8th, 1790. 12. Reply of Piero Capponi and the Florentines to the threat of Charles VIII. that he would bid his trumpets sound.-13. John Bradford or John Newton, when lie saw a man on his way to be hanged.
- (For Finance Articles see pages 624 and 685.)