The Sun appropriates to itself a remit-E. "' "-^ last
Spectator, that there was "an attempt on the part of the AIinistenai tress to divert the attention of the working classes from political changes, to j,5 over- throw of the Corn•laws ;" arid denies that "the Corn-law agitato.. is the child of Whig and Ministerial intrigues." We never said that it was : it is the child of scarcity and prohibitory duties. But it may nevertheless be used for the Ministerial purposes of the day, as so many other popular efforts have been before it. And when the article complained of was written, we had not seen the Sun; but, un- less our memory fails, the Morning Chronicle had recommended that at next Monday's meeting resolutions for a repeal of the Corn-laws should be moved by way of amendment to the People's Charter. We have read some of the Sun's clever articles on the subject this week ; and must say, that, however honestly intended, they seem calculated to serve the dishonest purposes of the Whigs. Our object was to guard the working classes from supposing, that because Ministerial news- papers appeared earnestly to advocate the repeal of the Corn-laws, there Wil: any reason to believe that Ministers themselves, or the Whig party gencially, intelided to take that comae. We do not encourage the Universalists to expect present or speedy success in their attemst to obtain the suffrage ; but neither .will we deter them from pets vse' ranee in honest efforts for political advancement, by endeavouen'; to inspire the vain hope, that for the. repeal of the Corn-laws they might have the cooperation the Whig party. But, even suppesm.-; that such coOperation were sincerely proffered, and admitting that tie versal Suffrage and the other political objects of the working eke are not within reach, still we would not advise the unenfrenehisea masses to desist from their demand. Th. ey will not get all they seek but they may rely upon it that nothing will be conceded except to per' severing exertion. Sooner or later, there will be a compromi,e—thei is what we look forward to ; and the amount of concession to the claimants of the franchise will depend very much upon their vigour and ability in maintaining the ground they have taken up. They are now put upon their mettle. The question of admission within the electoral pale is to be discussed before the country. How far the working classes are really qualified to fulfil the 1110-Tat duties of citizenship will partly appear from their mode of conducting the controversy, Le; them have fair play. And let those among their wellwishers who eme not side with them entirely, abstain from all attempts to,„mislead them,