The Last Volume Of The Naturalist's Library—the Seventh...
Mamrnalia—contains the British Quadrupeds ; the number of species, never very great, being now reduced to fifty. In civilized and thickly-peopled countries, beasts of prey......
The Third Volume Of Lives Of The Most Eminent Literary
an d Scientific Men of Great Britain, in Dr. LARDNER'S Cyclops% No. 106, embraces the dramatic poets of the last two centuries: The volume is useful in supplying a want,—for no......
The Object Of Dr. Hestev's Dialogue Between A Bilious...
and a Physician, is to enforce the doctrine, that purgative medi. eines of any kind are not only useless but mischievous, either palliatives or cures for indigestion, bile, and......
Progress Of Publication.
THE series of popular zoological works by YARRELL and BELL has received a very interesting and important addition, in a simi- lar one on animal physiology as ;applied to......
The Zoological Gardens : A Hand - Book For Visiters. This...
pocket volume of some hundred pages, is, like the pre- ceding publication, rather intended to titillate than teach. Pro. fusely enriched with spirited and frequently......
The Field, The Garden, And The Woodland. The Object Of
this elegant little book is not to teach botany, but to inculcate a taste for it, by bringing together some of the most interesting facts connected with vegetation, whether......
The Appearance Of Books Often Indicates The Names Though Not
the character of the seasons ; and so, although the nights are frosty and days of chilly gloom are freely intermingled with those of sunshine, it would seem that Irish and......