The third volume of Lives of the Most Eminent Literary
and Scientific Men of Great Britain, in Dr. LARDNER'S Cyclops% No. 106, embraces the dramatic poets of the last two centuries: The volume is useful in supplying a want,—for no regular ea. lection of these writers' lives has yet appeared ; and the reads meeting the names of SHIRLEY, DAVENANT, SHADWELL, Syrne, WYCHERLY, Mrs. APHARA BEHN, &c. had no means of readily learning any thing about them except by a reference to the meagre details of a biographical dictionary. The execution of the work, however, is scarcely equal to the design; for a review or the productions and a running history of the stage are substituse for biography ; and though possessing a good deal of gossiping
knowledge of the age and its dramatic literature, the not seem to have penetrated below the surface,—chiming in with
vulgar prejudice, and taking as authority every report. There is
some irregularity, too, in the writing of the Lives,—which seem to be the work of several persons, who have proceeded without regard to any regular plan ; and the chronology in some places is als surdly defective, from want of correcting the press. Still the volume is curious, and will have a good deal of attraction for dra- matic and literary devotees.