Land ?
T H E Queen seems to be leading a quiet life at Windsor. Every day h e r Majesty rides it) the Park, and the neighbourhood of the Castle accompanied sometimes by the Dutchess of......
A Vessel From Sydney Brings News From That Part Of
the world to the 1st of May. From the Launceston Advertiser of the 6th April, it appears that the settlers in Van Diemen's Land were alarmed by a generally-credited report, that......
Ebr Countro.
Mr. Ward has been visiting his constituents at Sheffield. On Friday last he addressed a crowded meeting in the Town-hall, in ex- planation of his conduct in Parliament during......
Ebr Otrtropolfst.
The Committee of the Working Men's Association are taking active steps to insures grand demonstration on the part of the working classes on Monday next. In every district of the......