Another Week Has Casstes, And The " New Agitation " In
Ireland is in static quo. No more meetings have been held, and we find no announcements of additional Precursor Societies: Mr. O'Ccev- NE LL has written a long letter to the "......
To A Numerous Meeting Of Sheffield Liberals, Mr. Ward Has
been descanting on the performances of the last session, the conduct of Ministers, and the future prospects of Reformers. Mr. WARD displayed characteristic frankness, and the......
The Emperor Ferdinand Has Signalized His Coronation As...
the North of Italy, by an act of grace, that will es far more towards establishing his authority in peace and secur:ty, than all the glitter and magnificence of the ceremony by......
News Of The Week.
"THOUGHTS on c.areity " are the most touching of all mental lucubrations; surd when BURKE gave that title to one of his ablest works, he proved himself a proficient in the art......