Mr. Elliott's Travels In Austria, Russia, And Turkey.
'run author of these volumes quitted the Civil Service of the Eait India Company for the Church ; but was compelled to suspend the exercise of his new profession in consequence......
The Theatres.
EMPTY as the town is, the theatres fill ; though, excepting Mr. VAN AMBURGH (not Amburgher, as we had it last week,) and his lions, there are no very remarkable attractions.......
Tiie Whig-radical Defence 01' The Government Treatment Of...
TO THE EDITOR OF Time srEcTATOR. SIR—It is pitiable to see the mode in which Mr. O'CONNELL, Mr. WARD, and other professed Liberals, defend the proccediugs of the Government......
Spectator's Library.
TRAt'ittl, Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey, By c B Elliott, M.A., F.R.S., Vic a r of Godalming. (late of the Henzal Civil Seryise4si Author of......