The French journals are much occupied with an affair in
which GISQUET, lately at the head of the Police, figures disreputably. GISQUET, it:seems, had seduced the lady of a person of distinction in Paris : the injured party challenged Gls.QUET; who refused to fight, but went into the department of the Aube, leaving behind him 150,000 francs to be offered as damages. According to one account, the husband required 200,000 francs; but the Messager asserts that he refused to enter into any such negotiation. There the private part of the matter rests. But it is added, that the gentleman e hose " hospitality " Gistausr violated, (fur they were friends,) has in his possession documents which prove Gissauer to have been guilty of peculation. Out of a Government contract for muskets, GISQUET is said to have ticketed 427,250 francs; though he had affirmed in a court of justice, during a trial which grew out of the contract, that he had lost 27,000 francs by it, be- sides six months of his time.
This transaction, taken in connexion with the proceedings of BROSSARD and BUGICAUD in Africa, only confirm the general be- lief, that the grossest jobbing and robbers of the public is com- mon among French functionaries. The Council of Revision have cancelled the sentence of the Perpignan Court-martial on BROS- SARD; and the Algeriae affair must undergo further examination. BROSSARD may perhaps have a friend at Court : his wife is a na- tural daughter of PHILIP EGAL1TE, Louts PHiLie's father. During the trial of BROSSARD, BUGEAUD asserted that he had Count MOLE'S permission to take 180,000 francs from ABD-k.1.-
KADER, and expend them in improving the roads of his depart. ment,—in other words, use them for his own purposes ; and the Moniteur gives but a very shuttling denial to the charge against the French Prime Minister, amounting to this—that the appeee, cation was made, but refused by the Council. Nevertheless, there seems to be no doubt that BUGEAUD got the cash, also a profit of 20,000 francs on some fire-arms supplied by the Minister of Wee to the African chief. The affair will be made the subject of Prik. liamentary inquiry ; and it is surmised that BUGEAUD will endiee your to implicate the Ministry directly in the worst part of it.