The ricketty Spanish Cabinet has at length fallen to pieces.
The defeat of ORAA, and the failure to procure a loan, seem to have been fatal to it. A new Ministry was patched up by the Duke DE FRIAS ; but out of the five following appointments an- nounced in the Madrid Gazette, the three last are only pro- visional.
President of the Council The Duke DE FRIAS.
Department of Justice Ruiz DE LA VEGA. Finance Marquis DE MONTEVIRGEN. Interior Marquis DE VALGARNERA. War and Marine General ALDARRIA.
The Morning Chronicle describes the President of the Council as a wealthy, amiable, well-meaning person, but a mere cipher in politics. He was Ambassador at Paris a few years ago; and that seems to have been the only incident in his political life previous to his present exaltation. It is said that TACON, formerly Governor of Cuba, and a man of unquestionable ability and nerve, may get the War department ; while CASA EEM1SA, a favourite of the Queen Regent, is a candidate for that of Finance.
The conclusion to be drawn from these movements, is the ina- bility of the Moderate party to conduct the Government of Spain. The administration of FRI AS is not expected to endure : its exist- ence is emphatically ad interim, and a prelude only to some more decisive change. The Exaltudos are all alive and eager to gain the chief control.
ESPARTk:RO has at length marched towards Estella, with the resolution, it is said, to retrieve the defeat of On. Ile has a large army under his commie], and was to commence operations before the capital of Navarre on the 7th or 8th instant. The Cellists, under their General MAROTO, an officer of remarkable activity, were in high spirits, and ready for the battle; which was deemed inevitable, and might prove more decisive in its conse- quences than any which has yet been fought.