Three children of a Mr. Cape were drowned, on Wednesday
weeh,; at hen bathing near Watelnet, not far from Taunton. The account cl the accident is given in the Taunton Courier partly from the evidence of Mr. Cape's maid.servant- " About six o'clock on Wednesday evening, the witness accompanied her mistress and six children to the seaside to bathe; tile eldest child about eleven years, and the youngett about eighteen months old. having got on the beach, they bathed all the children except one, when they saw themselves suddenly surrounded by the tide, which was that evening very high ; and finding that it was impressible to retrace their steps to the shore, they got at ashort distance cc a rock, where Mrs. Cape and thee servant laid hold of each other so as to protee; the children, whom they lead placed between them, to the utmost. in their power, and succeeded in so doing for some time : but. unhappily, the waves continued to increase in height, and the wretched, mother had the misery to see three of the pour little ereattoes overwhelm:II and carried from them by the sea. The survivors remained open the rock for nearly two hours afterwards. Mr. Cape having Iwcorne alarmed that hit family had not returned at b0 late an hour, (neatly ten o'clock.) but thiukisv. they might have called at a neighbouring farm, sent his man-servant to mect them ; who WWI returned without obtaining tiny intelligence; upon which Mr. Cape went to seek them with a friend, and discovered tire agonized mother with the surviving portion of her children, and her tnaidrservant, on the rock- With much risk they were approached, and at length safely landed. Tiles prs. rished the three pour elli!ellen ; only one ref Wh,1111, Jane Peruse Cape, aged nine years, had burl discovered at the tMle of the holding of the inquest. The ages of the two others were respectively five years and eighteen months. Ver. diet, ' Accidentally drowned.' The presence of mind of the deceased Jane was remarkable: she appeared fully aware of the danger which threatened them ao seeing each approaching wave, and said Oh, another, we shall never see pour father again ; let us pray !' and di-tinetly repeated the Lord's Prayet. and Creed. One of the children saved was thrown upon a rocky leelv, where it tell fast asleep !"
Last week, the wife of a labourer named Sandeison, living near Preston, poisoned herself and live young children, with arsenic put into a pudding. 'flee family had suffered much distress, which seems to have driven the woman tumid.