15 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 8

A meeting of the New Scotch Radicals was held on

Tuesday night on the Calton Hill, for the purpose of nominating a delegate connected with the Mid Lothian Universal Suffrage Association, to attend the meetilig which is to take place in London on the 17th instant. Two were appointed by an unanimous vote.

The following particulars of the loss of the steamer Forforshire, on her voyage from Hull to Dundee, mire taken from the Edinburgh Ob- server ; to which they were communicated by Mr. Ruthven of Ritchie, in Perthshire, the only cabin passenger saved- " The Forfanhire sailed from Hull for Dundee on Wednesday aftenZ: half-past six o'clock, along with the Peguus and Innisfail, ft. Leith 'a: Thursday morning, about four o'clock, the boiler became leaky, but it era, D„.- tially repaired, and the steamer proceeded on her voyage, till she reachetra-, mouth of the Frith of Forth, about ten o'clock in the evening. It then blew, heavy gale from the northward. The boiler, it would appear, had nest/6m,- useless, and the tnachinery stopped. The vessel was got about in the be to get her before the wind ; but *be soon became unmanageable. It reitatt heavily, accompanied by a violent gale, with a heavy sea, and the resat drifted towards the Ferne Islands, on the outer one of which she solid, about three o'clock on Friday morning. The captain did not, from state of the weather, know where he was, nor was danger apprehended mai breakers were discovered, close under the lee of the vessel. As soon ache breakers were discovered the steward went into the cabin to warn the palm,. gen (who were all in bed) of the danger. They rushed to the deck, which the most of them must have reached before the vessel struck ; but as the steamer almost instantly after striking parted into two pieces, the whole of the cabin passengers, twenty. five in number, with the ot :. exception, ea° with eight of the crew, got on board of one of the baits, are understood cic, have met a watery grave. Among the cabin passengers were several Witt The crew consisted of twenty-two, ten of whom and the captain are drown Five steerage passengers and four of the crew were taken off the foreland the wreck, in the course of the morning, by a boat belonging to the lighthosa on the island. Thus it would appear, that thirty. five persons have lost that lives. Let us hope that some of those believed to be drowned hat been rescued. The preservation of Mr. Ritchie and the eight men in the bon was almost miraculous. Air. H. states, that, observing the sailors lowering* boat and leaping into it, he also, by means of a rope, swung himself into the beat. He had nothing on at the time but a shirt and pair of trousers; sag his employment while in the boat was bailing out water with a seaman's shoo for a howskelly. The escape of the boat was truly remarkable. There us only one outlet by which it could escape the breakers, and that outlet sse taken, without the parties being aware of it. They were picked up about seven o'clock in the morning by in sloop, and carried into South Shields. The steamer struck aft the paddle boxes, and at the second stroke separated into tee parts,—the stern, quarter-deck, and cabin, being instantly washed away with all upon them, while the fore part of the vessel remained fast on the rock. Those who remained on this portion of the wreck were, we believe, mosey saved. The Captain stuck to the wreck, till washed overboard, with his wife in his arms, and both were drowned. Wa have not been able to obtain a correct list either of the sufferers or r,f be saved. There are among the former three gentlemen belonging to Perth, one to Fife, and one to St. Petersburg. A female eteerage passenger lost two chil. dren ; one was drowned and the other died in her arm. From the sets of the weather, no boat could land on the Northumberland coast till Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, and then a boat from the island, for movisions, effected a landing with great difficulty. By this means it was ascertained that the five steerage passengers and four of the crew had been saved. Two et threebodies have been picked up. The Forfarshire was four years old, aul had on board a valuable cargo, all of which, we understand, is lost."