On the 1304 inst., in Upper Brook Street, Lady MARY FARQUHAR, of a son. On the 13th inst., at Grosvenor Place, Lady Manor., of a BOO and heir.
At his house, 9, l'ark Crescent, Portland Place, the Lady of the lion. Baron ACMES* sort, of a daughter.
Oil the Stli lust., at St. Helier's, Jerstl, the Lady of Sir C. EDMOND CARRINGTON, Of mm daughter. On the 10th inst.. at Streatham Hill Road, the Lady of II. I. Moreratioac Esq., of a still-born daughter. On the 10th inst., at Bonebill, Staffordshire, Lady J ARK l'irt„ of a son, still•horn. On the Sib inst., at the Piazza, Covent Garden, Mrs. EDMUND Roamers, of a daughter: On the 10th inst , the Lady of S. Y. IlLsrost, Esti , of Denston House, near New market, ohm daughter. On the 7tIt inst., at Bottlogne.sur.Mer, the Lady of Captain G. TUPLAN, R.N., of a. um and twit.
On ihe Stir inst. Mrs. Sieves GIBSON (010 is only thirteen years of age), Wife of Mg, Ralph Gibson, of Normatiby. near Whitby, was delivered of a female ellit4r. ,1 mother and child are both doing well. The respective ages of the token -. daughter, collectively, do not amount to thirty years."—Lecds "" MA RRI AG ES. eldest son a Earl Fitzwillism, to On the 10111 inst., at Thilmaliny, V iscount sAue Li.' morton. to Lads FRANCES Ducaf.Ss, . .• arWICKAIllre, HIGINALD S. GRAHAM, eldest IOU of "a the imt" at Deawirgibr Cumberland to Du E Reginald Graham, Eso " • • ' RA DIMS, eldest daughter of St. George's, Hanover Square, Ricoaman BEACOM'. Esq., of Old- fiehi .go, Acton, Middlesex, to ANNE, only daughter of Christopher Willoughby ot Westbourne Place, Eaton Square. On the llth itist , at St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, EDWARD SMIRKE, EMI „ of the Temple. Barrister, to HARRIET AMELIA, outwit daughter of the late Thomas Neill, Esq. On the I 1th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, Posoarw JOPP, Esq.. of Wilton Place. lielgrave Square, to ELIZABETH M AM, eldest daughter of John G. Lay, Ea,q., of Savage Gardens, atilt of Great 'fay, in the county of Essex. On the 4th inst., at Hermitage, Dumbartonshire, PATRIC% STEAD. Esq., of Gteat Yarmouth, Norfolk, to SUAANNA, daughter of Robert Fulton Alexander, Esq., of Hermitage. On the 13Ih inst., at St. Mary's Church, Reading, WALTER WILLIAM BISAMOLOTa C.AMPH ELL, Esq., of Skipness, Argyleshite, Captain in the ith Royal Busilrers, to Arra If ENRI Errs, eldest daughter of Lientenant.Colonel Loring. On the 4th inst., at Edinburgh. JAMES JOSEPH HAMILTON Lswsorr, Esq., to MARION ANNE EI,Iss, daughter of the hoe Lieutenant. Colonel David Rattray, of this 634 Regiment oh Yost, and granddaughter of II,' tate General Hamilton Matzen.
On the 9th Wit, GEORGIC HERBERT, Esq.. Lieutenant in the Coldstream Gearde. only son of the late Hop. etkl Rey. George Ilerbrit, and grandson of Derry first Esti of Cimarron. On the 81h inst., at his ho.iss tiek Tea we. Regent's Park, %1I161.1AM STURCil. Esq., in his 86th year. On the 17th tilt., at Lympstone, Devon, Capt tin HENRI? HARKNESS, late of the Hon. East India Company's Military Service in Madras, and recently Secretary to the Royal Asiatic Society. On the 29th ult., at Fochabers, N.B., JAMES KINLOCII. Esq.. of Jermyn Street, Lon- don. formerly of Bombay, in his 6241 year. On the Stit inst., at Inverness, CHISHOLM of Chisholm, formerly M.P. for Inverness-
shire, his 28th year.