Canon Stubbs is to be the new Bishop of Chester.
Every one knows the great reputation of Canon Stubbs as a constitu- tional historian, and we may add that his great learning, his -dignity of manner, and his useful labours on the recent Eccle- siastical Courts Commission, all show him to be the kind of Bishop who is likely to raise the prestige of the Episcopal Bench. We once ventured to suggest him for the then vacant Deanery of Exeter, partly on the ground that in that deanery tie would have leisure for more of those literary labours by which his reputation has been gained. We believe that since the separation of Liverpool from the diocese of Chester, the Bishopric of Chester itself will hardly occupy fully the time of so able and experienced a student as Canon Stubbs, and we trust that even as a Bishop he will not, in the literary sense, be wholly shelved. There is hardly pay other man in England who can do the work of Canon Stubbs.