[to The Editor Of The "spectator.']
SIR, —I earnestly trust that Mr. Orby Shipley will mark, learn, and inwardly digest (to use words with which he must be familiar) your remarks on his views on Ireland, which......
Lord Lansdowne's Queen's County Estate.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] ..81a,—My attention has been called to a paragraph in the , Spectator of January 5th, in which it is stated, with regard to some recent......
An English Catholic On Ireland.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sts,—I thank you much for giving farther publicity to the question I discussed in the Weekly Register, and for bringing before another and......
The Force Of Hurricanes.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In your article of the 2nd, on "Gales and Hurricanes," you say that the destructive force of a tropical hurricane appears to be greater......