16 FEBRUARY 1884, page 24

Later Chapters Are, We Venture To Say, Particularly Good....

char- acteristics of the four Stuart Rings as rulers are, to give an instance of his method, described and discriminated with skill and care. Many even of those who are familiar......

The Young Idea. By The Author Of " Culmshire Folk."

(Rem- ington and Co.)—This book ought to have come to us some two months ago. It would have been welcome among the " Christmas Books." Billy Banc% child of a London poulterer,......

Current Literature.

English Poetesses : a Series of Critical Biographies and Illustrative Extracts. By Eric S. Robertson, M.A. (Cassell and Co.)—Mr. Reid has put together an interesting volume. He......

Successful Preachers. By The Rev. George J. Davies. (bell...

Sons.)—The preachers described and discussed in this volume are all deceased, with the exception of some briefly noticed in the last chapter, —" American Preachers of the......

A Little Girl Among The Old Masters. With Introduction And

Com- ment, by W. D. Howells. (Osgood and Co., Boston, U.S.; Triibuer and Co., London.)—One may smile to see in this book another example of the cuffus of children which is one......

Felicitas : A Tale Of The German Migrations, A.d. 476.

By Felix Dahn. Translated from the German by " M. A. C. E." (Macmillan and Co.)—The time chosen for the scene is that at which the shadowy Empire of the West became extinct, in......

Robert Reid, Cotton-spinner. By Alice O'hanlon. 3 Vole....

Reid takes to his home two nieces, whom the death of their rascally father (happily removed before the tale opens) has left orphans. The younger has a small fortune, and is,......

The Oldest English Colony.* Tam Oldest English Colony—the...

land trodden by English discoverers or claimed by the English Sovereign—ought to have an interest for all English people. But every colonist, or sojourner in a colony, has most......

Possession Of The Property Which Has Been Left Her, Finds

herself suddenly dispossessed by her twin-sister, who claims to be the real marchioness, and is supported in her claim by the lady's-maid. The family lawyer, with characteristic......