Later Chapters Are, We Venture To Say, Particularly Good....
char- acteristics of the four Stuart Rings as rulers are, to give an instance of his method, described and discriminated with skill and care. Many even of those who are familiar......
Golden Girls. By" Allan Muir. 3 Vols. (hurst And Blackett.)
— The "golden girls" are two sisters, who are left orphans at an early age, and are made the objects of various schemes by interested people who want a share in their fortune.......
Winifred Power. 3 Vols. (bentley And Son.)—this Is A...
story, but, it must be owned, not a particularly attractive one. The first volume introduces us to two particularly mean people, who both of them look a great deal better than......
Profitable Fruit-farming. An Essay By Charles Whitehead....
useful little résumé of the best and latest knowledge on the subject of fruit-farming in England. It does not extend to the fruit-farming of other climates.......
Written In Letters Commonly Failed Of Success, Because...
letters were the work of one author, who could hardly throw himself into the mental attitude of all the writers. In the " Miz-Maze," so called after the country seat of Sir......