16 FEBRUARY 1884, page 1

News Of The Week

S INCAT has fallen, Tewfik Pasha having made a sortie, probably on the 11th inst., and been cut to pieces with his followers by Osman Digna. The British Government, however, has......

Canon Stubbs Is To Be The New Bishop Of Chester.

Every one knows the great reputation of Canon Stubbs as a constitu- tional historian, and we may add that his great learning, his -dignity of manner, and his useful labours on......

-*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


The Debate Of Tuesday In The House Of Lords On

the Vote of Censure ended, of coarse, in a victory for the Tories. The vote was 181 against Government to 81 for it, a surprisingly small majority, which must have been galling......

For The New Bishopric Of Southwell,—the Bishopric Which...

include parts of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire,—the Head Master of Winchester, Rev. Dr. Ridding, has been nomi- nated. We believe that this, too, is an eminently happy choice.......

Lord Granville's Reply Was In Substance The Same As The

replies given in the House of Commons, and mentioned below, but he explained some details of great interest. He showed that the Government had from the first been opposed to the......

Canon Stubbs's Appointment Will Leave The Regius...

Modern History vacant at Oxford, and every one would agree that Mr. Freeman is the man who could best fill it,—at least, if he would,—though we believe that he vehemently......