16 FEBRUARY 1884, Page 1

For the new Bishopric of Southwell,—the Bishopric which is to

include parts of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire,—the Head Master of Winchester, Rev. Dr. Ridding, has been nomi- nated. We believe that this, too, is an eminently happy choice. Dr. Ridding has been a very successful Head Master at Win- chester, where we are told that the school is now,if not in better order and discipline than any other of our great public schools, at least up to the very highest level reached by any of them. We should hope that the ability shown in organising the work of a school will be not less shown in organising the work of a new diocese like that of Sonthwell ; and Dr. Ridding's high scholarship, though not essential to that task, will certainly help him in gaining the loyalty of a clergy who still esteem, perhaps even not only next to godliness, but on a level with it, the virtue of classical scholarship.