16 OCTOBER 1852, Page 8

• News came up to town from Plymouth this afternoon,

by telegraph, that the Bosphorus had arrived in the morning from the Cape of Good Hope, which she left on the 6th September. The telegriphic abstract of the intelligence states, that General Cath- cart has returned with the troops from the expedition beyond the river Kei ; that the Camp Kraal of the Caffie Chief Krelli has been burnt, and ten thousand head of cattle and horses taken ; that General Cathcart has expressed his entire approval of the troops and the burghers ; and that he says his object has been fully attained. • The Waterkloof, as well as many of the frontier districts, continues to be infested by predatory bands and rebel Hottentots. It is said that Uithalder, their chief, and the celebrated Macomo, have made overtures for peace ; and that those competent to judge consider the war on its last legs.

No gold-dust has been discovered, but there are slight indications of gold-deposits near the Waterkloof.