St. David's Church, Brecon.
12th October 1852. The editor of the Spectator is respectfully informed, that an account - which appeared in his last number of the falling down of the parish-church of St.......
Sin—i Am Surprised At A Resident M.a.'s Broad Assertion,...
the ad- vice given by the Bishop of Oxford to his friends to support Lord Derby "was in no way grounded on the expediency of supporting the Protectionist leader." I heard at the......
Irtttro Tu Thr Fititur.
THE OXFORD CHANCELLORSHIP. 11th October 1852. Sm—Before this letter can reach the hands of your printer, possibly before it can reach your own, the disgrace of Oxford will have......
Mr. G. H. Harrison's Explanation.
Queen's Prison, 81h October 1852. Sni—It was by mere accident that the last week's number of your news- paper chanced to fall into my bands, in which I find you have thought fit......