16 OCTOBER 1852, page 9

The Revival Of Rowley's Old Comedy Of A Woman Never

Text, in the form to which Mr. Manche brought it some seven-and-twenty years ago, has given new attraction to the "off nights" at Saffier's Wells—that is, the nights onwhich Mr.......

The Lyeeum.m.11, According To Announcement, Be Opened On...

two new pieces, and the revived burlesque of Medea and Jason.......

'of Tatatrro.

A short dramatic tale, in which some new adventures of the celebrated Messrs. Box and Cox are set forth, is the successful novelty at the Hay- market Box and Cox are, as the......

The Wellington Diorama.

The diorama of the Wellington Campaigns, which opened at the Gal- lery of Illustration some months ago, has received an addition of two views—the exterior of Widmer Castle by......

The Last File Of Niiwyork Papers Put Us In Possession

of a correspond- ence between Mr. Bateman, father of the "children," and Mr. Buchanan, who, it may be remembered, played "leading business" during one of the abortive......

Irtttro Tu Thr Fititur.

THE OXFORD CHANCELLORSHIP. 11th October 1852. Sm—Before this letter can reach the hands of your printer, possibly before it can reach your own, the disgrace of Oxford will have......

Museum Of Practical Art.

A new section of the catalogue at Marlborough House has been issued. It is calculated to serve a very useful purpose. It is felt that the present arrangement of the objects is......